Numurkah Leader

Help needed... Numurkah Agricultural and Pastoral Society president Stuart Cameron (left) and secretary Jeff Stanyer need a new treasurer to help them put on Numurkah’s longest running community event.

Making local dreams come true... A wide range of local community groups have been on the receiving end of Bendigo Bank community investment grants, and now the bank wants to hear your ideas about major projects it can invest in. 

Excellent event... The Rotary Club of Numurkah’s Annual Art & Craft Exhibition is regarded as one of the best art exhibitions in regional Victoria.

Breaking the Bias... Back (from left): Baulkamaugh CWA president Bridget Goulding and secretary Karen Dexter. Front: IWD guest speakers Ash Lee, Sue Milne, Wendy Brown and Allison Dexter.

Raring to go... Runners of all ages wait for the starters pistol in this year’s Numurkah Fun Run.

Go girls... (From left): Poppy Dobson, Eve Boase and Mia Weygood came in at the head of the primary aged girls 5km pack.

Young guns... (From left): Alex Chmiel, Chase Rodda and Mason Alexander took out top honours in the primary aged boys 5km race.

Social event... Back (from left): Charlie Jenner, Remi Storer, Macie Gilmour, Mathilda Trimble, Eve Boase and (front) Summa Neyland enjoyed the chance to get together following their runs.

Tired but happy... (From left): Adam Burbidge, Robert Bray and Abraham Awan gave it their all in the Open Male 10km race to earn a place on the podium.

Stone cold... Geoff Stone won the stableford competition last Saturday with 39 points.

Star player... Tracey Clouston started the winter season on fire.

Doing her bit... Helen Pickersgill was part of a successful rink last Saturday.

Into the big one... Lyn Browning’s rink had a great win last Friday. (Please crop as much of the purple and yellow jackets at the top of the photo as you can)

Not quite... Jenny Stuart’s rink won last Friday, but the team went down to Numurkah Golf.

Off he goes... Matt Cline will play cricket in England this winter.

Coach’s address... Sean Harrap addresses his side at quarter time last Thursday.


Numurkah Leader photo gallery: March 9 2022

This week's photos